Tempbadge Visitor Badges

TEMPbadge Visitor Management Solutions for Organizations

For businesses seeking a secure and simple solution for visitor management systems, TEMPbadge ID cards provide an affordable answer. TEMPbadge expiring visitor badges are ideal for a variety of applications:

  • Schools
  • Medical facilities
  • Factories
  • Offices
  • Events

With expiring visitor stickers and badges, employees are relieved of their concerns about unauthorized reuse, stolen badges and extended stays. With a quick survey of the scene, security can verify a guest’s visitor status and determine if action needs to be taken.


Choose from a variety of options, including reusable visitor badges, non-expiring and self-expiring visitor badges, clip-ons and adhesives to ensure your space stays secure in a way that makes sense for your business. ID Cards offers a variety of different colors and finishes for temporary visitor badges, so find your perfect fit today!