• Card Color, Qty and Features
  • Artwork Options
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Custom Gift Cards

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Minimum Purchase:
250 units
Bulk Pricing:
Buy in bulk and save
Select Card Type
Color, Qty and Features:
Custom QTY:
250 units minimum
Artwork Options:
  • 1. Artwork should be created in CMYK mode, when possible
  • 2. Artwork should be high resolution, or 300 DPI minimum
  • 3. If art is a vector format, please outline/embed all text and art - - (in Illustrator: "Create Outlines" - in Photoshop: "Rasterize Type")
  • 4. Include 1/8" bleed - (past the trim edge on every side)
  • 5. Do NOT send us the template die lines flattened with the artwork
  • 6. If possible, compress all files into one Zip file before uploading
Upload Artwork:

Maximum file size is 524288,

Total Price: $0.00(/Each )
NOTE: We'll email a digital proof for your approval, before printing.